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Golf courses »  Italy »  Lombardia »  Conturbia

The Blue + Red Course
at Castelconturbia, Golf Club

Course Profile

27-Hole (Private)

The Blue + Red Course at Castelconturbia, Golf Club
Via Suno, Agrate
Conturbia, Lombardia I-28010

Phone: +39-(0)322-83 20 93

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  About the club 

Year built: 1898
Designer: Robert Trent Jones Sr.
Club type: Private
Season: Feb 1 to Dec 31
Guest Policy: Open Handicap Certificate required.
Dress Code: No denim, collared shirt and bermuda shorts required
Metal Spikes: --
Fivesomes: --
Green Fees:

Not rated

Pace of Play: Pace of play: 0
Money Value: Money value: 0
Tees: Tees: 0
Service: Service: 0

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  About the course 

Castelconturbia Golf Club offers three 9-hole courses, the Red measuring 3,081 metres/3,369 yards, the Blue measuring 3,121 metres/3,413 yards and the Yellow measuring 3,269 metres/3,575 yards (from the championship tees), that are played as three eighteen hole combinations. The courses cover an area of over 100 hectares/247 acres in a suitable place among secular trees, streams, small lakes and gentle undulating land for performing one of his most successful golf courses which fits harmoniously into the splendid and intact countryside in the background of the massif «Monte Rosa». The golf complex stands on the earldom of Conturbia in the commune of Agrate, near the seventeenth century castle, upstream from the river «Ticino». In addition to the exceptionally beautiful setting, a particular recognition has been given to the high quality of the course which has proved to be technically exacting and selective. In 1991 the club hosted the 48th ITALIAN OPEN. Castelconturbia ranks among Europe's finest courses. The clubhouse is situated in a stratetic position for the start and finish of the three routes. It includes restaurant, living room, guest-rooms, a large shop and all neceessary infrastructures and facilities, providing members and guests with every comfort as well as a pleasant, refined and relaxing meeting place. Other amenities include: Close to the clubhouse and the Village Residence there are a main swimming pool and a small one for children, tennis courts, training gym, billiards, amusement park, card-room, and a junior club complete the wide range of relaxation facilities.

Number of Sand Bunkers:  
Water Hazards in Play:  --


Tee Yardage Rating Slope Par
Men's Champ. Tees 6988 73.0 0 72
Men's Tees 6540 71.0 0 72
Ladies' Tees 6148 73.0 0 72
Ladies' Tees 5750 71.0 0 72

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